A union starts with you

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What is UTAW?

Two people sitting in front of monitor looking at code.

United Tech and Allied Workers (UTAW) are a national branch of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) formed in 2020. We are the UK’s only union specifically for all workers in the tech industry, and we're proud to represent more tech workers than anyone else.

The CWU campaigns nationally for workers in tech, telecoms, post and communications - offering legal support amongst other benefits, and providing a collective political voice for 180,000 workers.

Who can join UTAW?

If you develop or deploy technology, regardless of your employer’s industry. If your workplace is owned by a tech company, or if your labour is a necessary part of a tech companies' operation. If you are studying to work in tech or you educate others in technology. We encourage you to join us.

From developers and project managers to designers, couriers, and warehouse assistants, UTAW will fight for your interests. Together we are stronger and as a unionised collective we act to improve the conditions of all our members. Joining the union is the first step towards working in a better, fairer and safer way.

Why do tech workers need a union?

  • UTAW represents your interests in the workplace and protects you and other workers from overwork, underpay, poor working conditions, bullying bosses, and the innumerable exploitative practices of the tech industry.

  • As a member you can call on the union branch at any time to help you get the rights you want in your workplace, to advise and support you in workplace grievances, or to enforce your existing legal protections.

  • As a union we'll show you how to get organising together with colleagues to form a recognised union in your own workplace

  • Unions help workers come together, demand a better deal from their employers, and raise standards for all of us.

  • Unions are the reason we all enjoy paid holiday, maternity leave, and lunch breaks. They’ll offer you free legal advice if you need it, training and learning opportunities, and even discounts and offers.

  • More than six million workers in the UK are in a union – from nurses to pilots, actors to lorry drivers. Joining a union is affordable and easy and the benefits are huge.

image of UTAW members

You're less than two minutes from your membership

You've made it this far – take the next step! Empower yourself by becoming a workplace organiser with our training and support. Don't wait – click below to join the UTAW movement today and start making a difference!

What do we believe?

We believe that workers need to look out for each other and stand together to curb the exploitative nature of tech companies and venture capital. This includes our own exploitation as tech workers, as well as the exploitation of other workers around the world.

We understand that the exploitation enacted by tech companies is a subset of the exploitation enacted by a speculative global economy driven by the search for obscene profits for the very few.

Our fight is interlinked and in support of the struggles of tech workers globally, especially in the Global South where the rapid scaling of new consumer technology is often powered by the most vulnerable and oppressed peoples.

Current campaigns

In the press

  • news logo

    Taking on Big Tech

    From metric-driven management to workplace surveillance, workers are turning to trade unionism to fight back against tech behemoth exploitation.

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    UK workers ramp up pressure on Big Tech

    Tech workers launch UK campaign and mass call to action against company complicity with Israeli government

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    UK Apple Store workers detail ‘union-busting’ tactics

    Apple Store workers in the UK are attempting to unionise, but say they are facing pushback from the company, which is allegedly deploying a variety of “union-busting” tactics

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    Inside the London Apple Store workers' unionisation efforts

    The request for recognition by the tech giant follows similar union drives elsewhere.

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    How the Apple Store union movement came to the UK

    Power to the workers — Inspired by successful unionisation efforts among US employees, workers from across the pond are now gearing up to take on the tech giant.

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    Google and Microsoft staff join the UK’s first tech trade union

    The arrival of the trade union movement in the UK’s tech sector follows more sustained activism by workers in the United States

image of UTAW members

You're less than two minutes from your membership

You've made it this far – take the next step! Empower yourself by becoming a workplace organiser with our training and support. Don't wait – click below to join the UTAW movement today and start making a difference!